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After your Trip...

Once you and your group returns from a mission trip follow-up is necessary. Plan a time to get together as a team to talk about your experience, share stories and photos and share what you have learned about yourself and your Christian walk since your return. Also spend some time talking about how this experience will help you walk closer with Christ and to show Christ’s love to others. You will want to spend some time talking about how this experience could have been better for your group, information to help the sending ministry as well as future endeavors.

You may also want to offer some spiritual growth resources to your participants. Below are a few suggestions.

Flipping Missions is a resource from LeaderTreks that covers spiritual growth before, during and after a mission trip and is designed specifically for youth and leaders. The material can be tailored for other mission trip groups that contain adults and children.

Reentry: Post Trip Journal is another resource from LeaderTreks for after a mission trip specifically for youth and leaders to record how spiritual growth has taken place in their lives. This resource can also be adapted to other type mission groups. The link is found below:

Small Group Life: Mission, offered through Lifeway:


About (Episode 2) Mission:

This is the second Episode in the Small Group Life series. Being "on mission" no longer JUST means occasional trips or life-long commitments to missions work. Today, "missional" is understood in a much broader sense and now includes a lifestyle, a heart for people, and a mind-set in the image of Jesus and His charges to take care of the poor, disenfranchised, and less fortunate everywhere. "Missional" is a way of life.

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