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Helpful Books & Resources

in planning & preparing for your Mission Trip

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF)

Pivot, Pivot is a leadership development resource that challenges our traditional thoughts and beliefs about God’s mission in the world and our role in that mission.

PilgriMission, This resource challenges us to connect pilgrimage and mission into one.


North American Mission Board (NAMB)

Missions Education

Short-Term Evangelical Missions International (stem, INTL)

Ministry Activity Preparation Packet (MAPP) 

A full-color 12-page pamplet of excellent pre-field preparation ideas and resource-go-to's designed to help you better prepare for on-field ministry activities, such as: evangelism, construction, working with interpreters, working with your field host, preparing sermons and testimonies, dramas, crafts, puppets, VBS, and more!



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