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Let WMU NC Help!
Where are we going in 2019?
Interested in Leading Your Own Group?
For Places & Contacts: CLICK HERE
Looking for helpful Resources when Planning
your Mission Trip? CLICK HERE
The members of the WMU NC Mission Team have the experience, contacts and desire to help women and churches expand their horizon by joining with God and becoming personally engaged in missions, whether it be at home, across the nation or to the utter most parts of the world.
Joyce Rogers
Deborah Taylor
Rachel Gardner Louis
Dorothy Barham
Sandy Page
Cathy Callahan
Jessica Hatcher
Ladies in your friendship circle
Ladies in your Sunday School Class
Ladies in your church
Ladies in your associations
Ladies from across the state
Young Adults
Let us assist you in planning a mission trip for:
We have resources and people
to help you in:
*identifying places to serve
*calling out women to go
*preparing a mission team spiritually
for a life transforming experience
* assisting with logistics.
You have looked at the WMU NC mission trips for 2019, you found where you want to go and serve and now you are
looking for the next step?
We have you covered. It's as easy as 1..2..3..
1. Connect with the Contact Person for the trip you wish to join and to see if space is available.
(If the answer is yes, then proceed to Step 2)
2. Fill Out the Mission Trip Application Form and Background Release Form
2 OPTIONS: Complete online Mission Trip application form OR Print the Mission Trip application (see step 3)
*Currently, the background release form must be printed and mailed/scanned to complete (see step 3)
3. Send Your Completed Packet
*By Mail: Mail you Mission Trip application to the trip's contact person.
Mail your background release form with your $25 registration fee to WMU NC
Make checks payable to WMU NC
Attention: Accountant
PO Box 18309
Raleigh, NC 27619-8309
*By Email: Print out the above forms and scan electronically. Email completed documents (Mission Trip application and Background Release form) to Cheryl Daniel at (in subject line write Mission Trip Destination and your last name.)
Interested To Know More?
Have Any Questions?
Dorothy Barham
We proudly cooperate with
North Carolina Baptist Men, IMB, NAMB and CBF, NC
with their mission endeavors.
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