Support WMU NC
On this page:
Ways to Give/Offering Materials/Prayer​/Volunteer
WMU needs and appreciates your support! There are many ways you can support WMU through service, prayer and financial resources. We often have opportunities for volunteers to help in our office or at camp.
Your faithful service and generous giving make the following missions and ministires possible:
Missions and Ministries of WMU NC
Restorative Justice (prison) Ministry
Camp Angel Tree
NC Baptist Nursing Fellowship
Ministers' Spouses Support
Military Ministry
Multicultural Ministries
Missions Training and Missions Leader Training
Christian Women's Job Corps/Christian Men's Job Corps of NC
Missions Partnerships (Armenia, Guatemala, etc)
Missions Organization Start Up
Missions Organization Support-resources are available to coach, train, and encourage churches, leaders, and invididuals interested in doing missions through any of our organizations or blending our materials with other activities or groups' materials.
Promotion of Missions Awareness- promote through organizations, events, partnerships, publications, and website, as well as WMU curriculum and other materials; our staff and others frequently speak at church, association, and other events.
Missionary Start Up-a monetary gift is given to each NC native missionary entering into full-time service with the International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, or Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions
Short-term Mission Volunteers-financial assistance is provided, as funds allow, to those who feel called to serve Christ through short-term mission trips.
And much, much more!