Baptist Nursing Fellowship
What is Baptist Nursing Fellowship?
NCBNF exists to provide Christian, professional fellowship, promote continuing professional education and growth for the membership and nurse missionaries and to encourage nursing service that evolves from a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, (Matthew 25:40).
NCBNF members participate in mission trips stateside and abroad, including Family FEST and MissionsFEST. They also volunteer at Camp Mundo Vista each week of summer camp.
Interested in Being a Part of Any or All of the Above?
Have Any Questions?
Contact Donna Rodgers
NCBNF Secretary/Membership Chairperson
Join Us for our Annual Meeting
February 1 - 2, 2019
Friday evening 5:30 pm and Saturday 8:30am - 4:00pm
Camp Mundo Vista, Sophia, NC
3PM Friday and 8AM Saturday.
All nurses and other interested healthcare providers are invited. You do not have to be a member of BNF to attend.
*Student nurses may attend at a reduced rate, please contact Claudia Hayes to register: 919-818-2283 or
Mission Trips
2017 NC Baptist Nursing Fellowship Team at the Good Shepherd Center in Quetzeltenango, Guatemala.